
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Nov 14th

2021. november 14. - pajkrh

Last week was nothing exceptional generally, from personal point of view rather a washout. On Monday morning I found out Leon meant to make an appointment previous day. He should have tried harder. Still felt a bit shaky so stayed at home. Leo went to the cinema. He promised to ring me up but…


Oct 29th

It was pouring yesterday and we didn’t meet with Leon though we thought to do so. When I spoke with him at night however I had to find out that he wasn’t out either. I won’t do such mad things ever for anyone again. Tonight’s meeting was slightly different from what we planned at least he. I rang…


Oct 22nd

Was awfully hard to decide. I resolved not to give in any more but I’m afraid I wouldn’t have been so strong if it would have actually come to tell him so. Fortunately I was preserved from that. It wasn’t too early when I rang him up and the line was occupied. Later my call wasn’t answered. Same…


Oct 19th

Today’s gymn a wash out. It was raining hard, met a man on the bus going to the Association for Foreign Affairs. He seemed to know me. If I wouldn’t have known I met him there I might have been thinking as hard as anything without finding out same. We finished earlier than usually. It was pouring…


Oct. 15th

 Things seem to get every more serious. If I would be a man I would have to report at once it seems for military service. I wish I would be a man. Vin’s influence seem to have lasted in such degree, that although I meant to ring up Leon after office hours when he phoned me earlier I didn’t recognize…


Oct 12th

There was quite a lot to do all day. I went to the gymn classes in the evening. The place where R. Margit moved to is rather far near my old school. It is rather ? Emmy fell over my neck. I was welcomed most warmly. At last a place where I’m appreciated. I heared all sorts of rumours which make me…


June 25th

Today I feel all broken and depressed. Of course it is partly yesterdays late night and the gymn beforehand besides Martha’s wishes. – Phoned Vin. too. He will be off for his holiday next week. In this too I feel at loss. For every nights is he booked but he “might be free” on Friday when we might…


June 24th

Got up at an unearthly hour this morning (5.40) and went to mass + holy communion (Sacred Heart). Went to gymn. in the evening. I was a bit stiff and out of practice, but not too much. I don’t think the two hours are worth the sum I payed, though. It was a surprise – Martha phoned in the evening.…

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