
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Nov 17th

2021. november 17. - pajkrh

A rather good lecture at the Parliement Museum on the Carpetho-Ruthens. Was not at all keen to go, only went on as a duty to my s.w.p. but found it very interesting. The place too. There were quite many people.


Nov. 16th

Quite mad of me, but again I thought I would give Leon a chance and let him accompany me home after gymn. So I rang him up in the afternoon. He recognized my voice and put down the receiver. I know we made appoint of doing so if a ring came at the wrong moment, but this time it was the very very…


Nov 14th

Last week was nothing exceptional generally, from personal point of view rather a washout. On Monday morning I found out Leon meant to make an appointment previous day. He should have tried harder. Still felt a bit shaky so stayed at home. Leo went to the cinema. He promised to ring me up but…

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