
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

August 20th

2021. augusztus 20. - pajkrh

The painter is here and with him an awful disorder. Leon rang me up when I was still in bed and rand off before I could get to the ‘phone. Later he rang me up however again. We arranged to meet in the afternoon but as he had his Frenchman on his hands I was to ring him up again before starting. I…


May 21th

Had to do in town again and took the “espresso” to Cica at the same time. Didn’t expect to go in, but they were just home from the registrar’s office + there was some company. Was invited to go in. Met the two best men also. The young couple was awfully happy naturally. Jancsi doesn’t look at all…



What a dreadful day. I felt out of sorts the whole day, sort of a presentiment I suppose. Even yesterday’s aviation lecture didn’t keep me cheered up. By the way we received the photo taken of us. Leo rang me up in the morning, I wanted to talk to him from the office. I don’t think we were…

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