
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Oct. 14th

2021. október 14. - pajkrh

Yesterday’s cooking took ages. It was 9.10 when I left. Too awful. Bözsi absent. – Today Vin. phoned me, we made an appointment for the evening. I got rather nervous about the whole thing stage fright I suppose and would have liked to bolt (?) in the end, didn’t want to meet him. So I went to the…


Oct. 3rd

This morning Leon rang me up we made an appointment for the evening which I couldn’t keep however as cooking took ages. I rang him up at night and we had an awfully long talk. At noon I spoke with Vin. on the phone, on account of Mother who wasn’t mind seeing him. He is exactly the same, talks for…


July 31st

Time I wrote last we went to the Hospital with Father three times weekly. Every other day he is better. They took of the bandages yesterday but this morning he had to go to the Dr for he was not well. It seems he isn’t quite fit yet after all as we hoped. He even thought he might go to Karlsbad but…


July 19th

Father slightly better after our visit to the Hospital. Dr. Hempel still not overinformative. Means to leave everything to the next operation and Father’s previous stay at their place. It seems Karlsbad will be off after all. I wonder. No sign of Leon. Of course I’ll leave it at that. He must make…


July 18th

Weather fair at morning later a storm on the way. Father not too well. Has a slight fever but won’t have the Dr called as tomorrow we have to go in. Of course Leon didn’t ring me up though he promised to if we didn’t meet previously. This either means that he was in last night and waited for my call…


July 16th

Father came home this morning. The Dr doesn’t say much. He is to go in about twice a week, if anything goes wrong Dr. Hempel is to be called. Father seems to be rather weak and the operation didn’t help in the way we thought. I think our old Dr will be dropped. If only Vin. would be at home he at…


July 14th

Father to come home in two days only. It seems they think another operation is necessary. I. e. they started the sort which is done in two phases. I hate these people. One of the Drs (Hempel) remembered me on account of my appendicitis years ago. He even remembered the room I was in. I couldn’t…


July 2nd

Mothers birthday and  she very ill yesterday. I rang up Vin. twice on account of her. This morning he came, was sweet gave some sound advice and prescribed medicine. We went part of the way together. So this is this.  – Went to the Bank for the passports + to pay my debt I made yesterday. It was a…


June 27th

It is very hot. Had a letter from Bayana she is going to England in a fortnight time. Happy girl. Will have to write her before that. Phoned Leo but a bit late and only his brother was in. It seems we are getting quite good friends. After dinner I rang up Vin. on account of our last talk. I have an…

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