
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Jan 13th

2022. január 13. - pajkrh

Mother in need of that medicine + I decided to ? to Vin’s house to have recipe signed. Was a bit curious about his home. Phoned him first for certain. It was funny. He hasn’t a proper consulting room, but uses his bedroom + his people’s flat for it. The room itself slightly crowded but cosy. More…


June 6th

Was late for church, but it isn’t obligatory today. Father went to see Martha so I had to be at home in the morning. Made a little order on the shelf in my cupboard. Meant to do the drawer in the drawing room. Cinema again. Countess Walewska. Quite alright. – A funny young girl spoke to me on the…

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