
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 17th

2022. július 17. - pajkrh

On Friday I went to St. Margareth Island to an evening performance with Pertile the Italian singer. A ballet followed. It was Irene who produced the tickets, she rang me up in the morning. We were still in the most awful mess as the painter has not finished, but I didn’t mind and made her sit down…


August 20th

The painter is here and with him an awful disorder. Leon rang me up when I was still in bed and rand off before I could get to the ‘phone. Later he rang me up however again. We arranged to meet in the afternoon but as he had his Frenchman on his hands I was to ring him up again before starting. I…



Snow + snow all the day. Lovely time for Vincent’s skiing. God bless him, the dear. I tried to persuade Mother that to learn it is utterly necessary for me. I ought to learn till I’m young and have time. Comparatively. – Irene came rather late. The film was quite a good one. We met Ervin + co.…



Irene called. Nothing of L. so far. I’ll keep strong. – Martha dropped in, we had a good laugh. – Before going out suddenly couldn’t resist the temptation of ringing L<eo?> up + asking if he was the one who tried to find me. He wasn’t. But our little talk quite put me out again. Serves me…

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