
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 5th

2022. július 05. - pajkrh

This morning I heared both from Margareth and Dr. Laki; I don’t know what am I coming to but I had quite a queer sort of feeling when I saw his letter. It is the silliest of things to let myself go like this when most probably I mean nothing at all to him. Why should I we hardly knew each other,…


July 2nd

Asked Iren to come in the afternoon. Went to a late mass being alone at home. In the afternoon we went to the cinema. it was quite nice. Weather quite cool today, a wind is blowing. Brother went off to Füred with Michael and co. Wonder about the poor boy. – By the way we signed that Testamental…


June 5th

I’m afraid I couldn’t help showing a bit of my depressed state of mind. Don’t care about anything any longer. Hear that Michael is better and is supposed to go to Füred next month. Have been thinking of going there too, but no one would wash the suspicion off me that I didn’t  go on his account. In…

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