
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 14th

2022. június 14. - pajkrh

Nothing special yesterday or the day before. Have been at Magda’s for a fitting. Find the dresses quite alright. Yesterday morning went out with Cica. She wanted to buy a fur coat, to my greatest surprise. Second hand. We went to a funny place, a flat in the Hársfa u. (/8.) where a strange little…


June 4th

A busy day again. Ervin off for his week end yesterday. Went to fetch my coat + hats in the evening. Met Marietta on my way. Of course I passed her but she got hold of me. We had a long talk, I promised to go to see her next Wednesday. My white hat is a scream I like those funny pink + blue tulle…


April 3rd

No sign from Vin. Too bad. He seems to get it badly every ten day or so. – Had to speak with Leo on business, asked me to see him next week. Told I’d ‘phone him early on Tuesday. Perhaps I will as I’m most curious to hear more about a thing he said concerning the orders in connection with the Euch.…


March 26th

This week passed in a whirl. Monday, like usual, aviation most interesting our names were put down for the free flight. Tuesday, morning in town, evening, aviat gymn. I don’t know how it was, but I couldn’t do a single exercise properly. Our class was put on to Wednesday. Wednesday, late for…



Went to confession this morning and came home rather late. My whole morning was taken up by the house etc. At noon Dr. K of previous day came, found Nora in a much better state. – My red frock arrived too but I’m not oversatisfied with it. It is too long and doesn’t fit perfectly. – Won’t buy a…

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