
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

March 31st

2022. március 31. - pajkrh

What a lot I thought about a problem of congratulating dear exfriend Leon on his birthday or not. Really it is not worth wile making a problem of anything. This week passed, to day also and as I already resolved I made not the slightest move towards doing anything of the sort. It is horrid of me I…


Dec 15th

Well I am non-plussed. Had a suspicion since some time not a long one though, that some sort of a female is after my brother. It was her birthday, they said the 34th, which was held at the foaer (foyer?) a place near Kispest. We went to fetch her at their house. I nearly had a fit when she came.…


Oct 29th

It was pouring yesterday and we didn’t meet with Leon though we thought to do so. When I spoke with him at night however I had to find out that he wasn’t out either. I won’t do such mad things ever for anyone again. Tonight’s meeting was slightly different from what we planned at least he. I rang…


Oct 16th

I was at a late mass today but didn’t meet Mrs Farkasvölgyi there. Went to the cemetery early in the afternoon. ? has just looked out of his window when I passed but Magdi was not in yet. Mother + little Ervin came, we left together but I left them on the way as she stopped to talk to a friend. The…


Oct 8th

Had to go out and buy some toys for the kids as it is little Ervin’s birthday tomorrow. It was pouring. We both forgot that Leon had an appointment for the evening and I rang him up. How entirely unsatisfactory. I was nearly blown away with ‘phonecell when I opened it’s door. There was a terrible…

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