
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939


2021. január 08. - pajkrh

I was mad to believe I ever meant anything to that man. I suppose I should be glad that I don’t. Of course he didn’t ring me up. Someone ‘phoned at ten when I was out, I thought it might have been him. To make sure I rang him up. He was busy at the time. No he knew he should have ‘phoned me it was…



Someone rang me up while out. I suppose it was L. I’ll be strong + not try to get him on the line. – Spoke with Vali, just going out for a walk with her brother. Half promised to meet them at the Spolarich at night. But didn’t eventually. Was in the Bank, bought few things. – At the gym. class there…

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