
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Nov. 2nd

2021. november 02. - pajkrh

Still feel shaky. Went to gymn though as I promised to. There was quite a number of us to my greatest surprise. Thought to meet Leon afterwards. As he wasn’t there and I didn’t want to go on the usual roundabout way I rang him up, finding him there just rang off. Of course he recognized my voice. Later, at home, he must have phoned, but being exactly as impatient as I am rang off before I had time to get there. Of course I didn’t ring back. Besides the radio was at it’s most interesting at the time + giving the results of the Vienese conference. Those are rather disappointing too as Pozsony + Nyitra are not returned with the Ruthens.

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