
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Oct 25th

2021. október 25. - pajkrh

A busy day. I had to go the District Committee on account of our machines. Had to wait for ages for one of the engineers. When arriving home Bözsi, whom I made friends with at the cooking course, ‘phoned me with the astonishing news that they were separating with her husband. As she seemed to be the…


Oct. 14th

Yesterday’s cooking took ages. It was 9.10 when I left. Too awful. Bözsi absent. – Today Vin. phoned me, we made an appointment for the evening. I got rather nervous about the whole thing stage fright I suppose and would have liked to bolt (?) in the end, didn’t want to meet him. So I went to the…


June 3rd

A hard day. Hot, busy, tiresome. I felt downhearted all day. All sorts of troubles. Nearly stayed home instead of going to the cooking class. But went eventually. Was 20 minutes late. Bözsi was dressing exactly at the same time. We had a good laugh over it. Both of us being late, listless + tired. I…

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