Had all sorts of misgivings as to the validity of las conf. but think it is just over scrupulousness, will mention all however next time which must be soon. Am terrible shocked to find more and more in my past which should have been told. Awful how one forgets the nastiest little and great sins, not…
The whole week passed in a whirl. Went to the Sophianeum on retreat. It was the best I had since the first with F. Bíró. Stayed in for the whole time on the third day only. Marietta, her goddaughter Miry (?) I + the christened Jewess were in the same company. We kept together. This young woman, the…
Phoned to Leon again, spoke with his brother. He is away and to return in about a fortnight. He asked me what message is to send him in his letter, so I just sent my own particular greetings. He was nice. Such a pity they are not Catholics. But then I’d have never met Vin. I suppose, or if I’d have…