
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

August 10th

2021. augusztus 10. - pajkrh

The fireplace in the hall was remade today. What a mess it meant. I cooked the dinner and it was excellent except for the soup which was too salty but otherwise hadn’t much of a taste. Erzsi however, dared not say anything against it, I was so amused. Heaps of letters come daily, letters of sympathy…


April 5th

As the matter was of no importance to me I didn’t hurry the least to ‘phone to Leo with the result that he ‘phoned and asked for me. We arranged to meet at noon. I didn’t like it on the afterthought. Had a lot to attend to before so left trying on my new two piece for later and was punctual at the…

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