
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 28th

2021. május 28. - pajkrh

There was a meeting at the Redoute at 11 a.m at which Sándor was to make a speech too. I went was a bit late of course but so at least Anci had a good chance to see me coming in. Sándor spoke very well indeed. Both the contents of his speech + his way of speaking intonation etc. were excellent. I…


May 11th

Such a rain both on yesterday and today. I was feeling queer again yesterday at the Red Cross lecture, broken arms + legs don’t seem to suit me. Fortunately at the critical moment the nurse finished the lecture, so I could move about and it passed. Today I meant to go to Vin. but when I was already…


May 7th

Meant to ring up Leon but didn’t. On the afterthought, it was him who promised to ring me up. Most shocking. The horrid fellow continues to forget his promises to me. I suppose I ought to feel awfully hurt etc. I don’t care the least on the other hand. Complete indifference. Meant to phone Vin too,…


May 4th

Nora seems to be slightly better since a few days, as if getting over her lethargy sometimes. – Gymn a sad affair. The place small + stuffy. No shower of bath of any sort. A little hole for dressing and no air to speak of. Had to speak with L. on business. He swore from right to left how…


April 27th

Had to do in town in the morning. Was up at the German Embassy on account of Nora. A funny little man received me and talked incessantly for at least 15 minutes. By the end of it I made him realize that I wasn’t and had no inertia to be a German as he supposed me of  being. It was good fun. The…

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