
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Jan. 29th.

2022. január 29. - pajkrh

The whole week passed in a whirl. Went to the Sophianeum on retreat. It was the best I had since the first with F. Bíró. Stayed in for the whole time on the third day only. Marietta, her goddaughter Miry (?) I + the christened Jewess were in the same company. We kept together. This young woman, the…


June 26th

At church in the morning. Rang up Marietta at noon to ask about the Sacred Heart Procession. She asked me to fetch her which I did. The Procession took the whole afternoon. I was at her place at 4 p.m. we went to the Sophianum straight away. Only a few were there of her congregation. We couldn’t…

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