
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Dec. 29th

2021. december 29. - pajkrh

Had a lot to do in town today, went to Martha’s also to see the kid who is ill, took him a Teddy Bear which gave him much pleasure. Had to do at the Clinics which gave a good reason for seeing Vin on account of Mother who was ill all night. Didn’t really want to go, but was obliged to at last. Don’t…


Dec 1st

Still can’t get over after effects of shock of previous day. Can’t say I had a sleepless night but certainly found soliloquy at 3 a.m. most uncomfortable. But as I’m alone to blame, and nothing happens by chance, and if it is, and as it is the will of God it must be for the best and it is for the…


Sept. 23rd

This morning I spoke with Leon. I’m getting tired of the affair at least of my part in it. I know he is very busy etc. but if I count he must take more care, if not why not give up the whole thing. We made an appointment for the evening, so I had to give up an interesting lecture in English in the…


April 14th

Rang up Leon and we made an appointment for noon. Both of us was most punctual. Only I went in at one side of the building while he on the other + both of us came out on a different door. Eventually we met at the car to the great diversion of the driver. He was nice + I tried hard to sound nice too.…

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