
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 2nd

2021. július 02. - pajkrh

Mothers birthday and  she very ill yesterday. I rang up Vin. twice on account of her. This morning he came, was sweet gave some sound advice and prescribed medicine. We went part of the way together. So this is this.  – Went to the Bank for the passports + to pay my debt I made yesterday. It was a…


June 1st

Was in town + on business. Bought a funny yellow straw hat. I believe it was too expensive or rather I overpaid it + it looks strange. Vin. ‘phoned while I was out. I thought I won’t return his call, but did so later on. It was silly of me. Apparently he was only a bit conscience stricken on…

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