
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 10th

2021. június 10. - pajkrh

Was in town in private matters mostly this morning. Changed my funny yellow hat to a modest, matter of fact solid blue straw hat of which most people will surely approve. ‘Phoned Vin. at noon he told me he had a Scout’s meeting this evening so wasn’t free, would meet me before that however. So I…


June 4th

A busy day again. Ervin off for his week end yesterday. Went to fetch my coat + hats in the evening. Met Marietta on my way. Of course I passed her but she got hold of me. We had a long talk, I promised to go to see her next Wednesday. My white hat is a scream I like those funny pink + blue tulle…

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