
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 17th

2022. július 17. - pajkrh

On Friday I went to St. Margareth Island to an evening performance with Pertile the Italian singer. A ballet followed. It was Irene who produced the tickets, she rang me up in the morning. We were still in the most awful mess as the painter has not finished, but I didn’t mind and made her sit down…


June 21st

Yesterday morning I had to do in town on business. Ran up to Cica’s too which wasn’t exactly business and we bought a sweet little porcelain figure as a wedding present for the Pálffys. Was in the Bank too, not much chance for Swiss money, which means that my plans won’t come off again. In the…


May 30th

Whit Sunday passed with my sister + family here. The kids were alright. Went to ? in the evening. Expected Iren on Monday, yesterday, but perhaps she didn’t get my card as she didn’t come. So went to the cinema alone. A pity I waited for her, it upset my usual programme, of going to the cemetery.…


May 11th

On Monday my new short coat was delivered but turned out to be a bit tight at the neck so I returned it two days later. Was at the Dr’s in the afternoon later as usual. We had a little chat and he didn’t dare to give an injection prescribed a medicine instead. Ha offered to show me his car and to…


May 3rd

On Monday had a long talk with Martha on the ‘phone result of which was an outing, Atrium, ? is a crowd. The piece is rather funny but slightly mixed. Mr Dudus (?) on the bus when coming home. – On Tuesday went to the National Theatre (Tündöklő Jeromos). The piece a rather modern one, was much…


March 25th

I don’t understand my people the least. Don’t know how Mother is or what exactly is the matter with her. They tell me nothing. It really is maddening. It sems either nothing serious is the matter with her or something too bad for effective help. Seem my three months holiday abroad is definitely off.…


February 12th

On Monday the 6th little Ervin had a very high temperature on Tuesday too, it looked like pneumonia. On Tuesday morning I looked in to Cica’s, she was in bed having a slight attack of ‘flu. She told me long and terrible tales about the moral of “ladies” in the best society. At least in their crowd,…


Jan 3rd

Theatre this evening. Ordasok by Kitsberg. Good but sad. Árva Magda there. Seems funny. Had a friend there at the interval a man whom she asked to go to the Office in the Hospital where her Grandmother is lying. Don’t like her ways. Seems to be so unsettled. This comes from an irregular marriage I…


Dec 23rd.

Really Providence is managing things for me. Always when I’m hurt there comes something to help me over. Kind hand of God may be felt always. I get a good, though much deserved blow from the side, then comes a caring from the other. To day it came in the form of an invitation to theatre from…

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