
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

Aug.  1st

2022. augusztus 01. - pajkrh

Today I feel rotten again with a splitting headache. Can’t decide about my holiday. Balaton is off as Cica returned yesterday. Don’t know what to do. Maybe it is this early rise I had to manage this morning as the Mass for Nora was at 6 a.m. Awful. We were at the cemetery too.


July 31st

Time I wrote last we went to the Hospital with Father three times weekly. Every other day he is better. They took of the bandages yesterday but this morning he had to go to the Dr for he was not well. It seems he isn’t quite fit yet after all as we hoped. He even thought he might go to Karlsbad but…


July 17th

Father not too well. Mother nervous. Ervin away with Capt. Takács at the Balaton. We went to see the picture I talked of with Martha. It was interesting in a way, but otherwise a week art. All the actresses were ugly and fat. The scientific part of it was alright but not enough. I came to the…

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