
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

March 29th

2021. március 29. - pajkrh

Yesterday Vin. ‘phoned to tell that Mr. Kun left the Clinic. We arranged to go together to an auction. I went to fetch him from the Clinic, was a bit late but that didn’t prevent him from staying longer than usually. Again I can’t describe it by anything less than love making. I can’t understand…


March 26th

This week passed in a whirl. Monday, like usual, aviation most interesting our names were put down for the free flight. Tuesday, morning in town, evening, aviat gymn. I don’t know how it was, but I couldn’t do a single exercise properly. Our class was put on to Wednesday. Wednesday, late for…


March 1st

This afternoon Vin. ’phoned at a most unexpected time to inquire why didn’t I go to see Ami, whom he went to see. She said I always kept my word. Too bad of Martha to have made all this fuss about my not going to see her. Poor Vin went to the Clinic on account of my visit only in spite of a sore…



Too lazy to get up early, went to the noon mass. A good walk to the cemetery and the church which intrigued me since long. It looked quite near the East Station but was a quarter of an hour’s distance quite near the first cross road leading home. – Went to Martha’s party a bit tired, managed to be…

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