
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

February 3rd

2022. február 03. - pajkrh

A funny day. When coming home from church heared that there was a note in the letter box simply overflowing with envy, telling us to give the dog enough to eat. Ervin said we should take no notice of it, I told we should put out a small polite begging those who do, not to give the dog anything,…


Nov. 19th

Bought some little things for the kids. Went to the dressmaker too. Gymn not so good as usually, was a bit tired I suppose. Found that one of the girls, Alexa K., was leaving a job as English correspondent at a Factory, which I might get owing to excellent English knowledge. 300 P-s a month. Quite…

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