
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 4th

2022. július 04. - pajkrh

This afternoon I had to go in town early on business (Suppan) and passing one of those driving institutes I had a brain wave and went in to enquire. Result an immediate lesson. I got a quite well I think. Really it is a shame not to be able to drive when owning licence. I did feel ashamed at times,…


June 6th

This was a surprising day. Full of shocks. In the morning went to have our driving licences changed. A young policeman helped me with my things and in the and in the end wouldn’t accept the tip I meant to give him. I was nearly ashamed. But really one never knows with the people. So that was an…


June 4th

Same Sunday as usual. Church, cemetery, cinema. Against my will was driven into an awful row with poor Mother again. She really lacks all logic. It was she herself who advised me to go abroad as perhaps it will be impossible next year, and now she is as much against it as ever. Now that I registered…


August 7th

Early in the morning Mother went to hear the Mass, then we went to the station. The train was 15 minutes late, they had a good place. I do hope everything will be alright. Ervin went away later so we were alone with Erzsi. She went to see her son in hospital in the afternoon so I was alone for a…


April 24th

Just an ordinary Sunday. Meant to play tennis but never can manage in the morning and in the afternoon it was a bit late by the time I returned from the cemetery. As a matter of fact I felt awfully lazy and it is so difficult to start things. I wish the Club wouldn’t have moved to that other place.…

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