
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

March 27th

2021. március 27. - pajkrh

Went to confession again, though didn’t feel much like it. When do I, though? Spoke with the Farkasvölgyis on the phone, they arranged to go with Ervin in the country. Martha + kids here. Gyula looks a bit off colour. The kids quite nice and not such handful like they used to be. Somehow it is…



Too lazy to get up early, went to the noon mass. A good walk to the cemetery and the church which intrigued me since long. It looked quite near the East Station but was a quarter of an hour’s distance quite near the first cross road leading home. – Went to Martha’s party a bit tired, managed to be…



Still awfully happy about that letter of yesterday, but am having misgivings again. He writes he is occupied until 10 every night but didn’t try to make an appointment for Sunday either. If he would be interested he would try to see me more often, speak with me more frequently and altogether would…

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