
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 7th

2022. július 07. - pajkrh

This has been a most exciting day. I went to church early in the morning, got up about 5.40. Went to confession too. By the way had a driving exercise yesterday and promised to come to day again, but ‘phoned it off, but what I actually want to come to is, that I was at the Jesuitst and asked for…


July 5th

This morning I heared both from Margareth and Dr. Laki; I don’t know what am I coming to but I had quite a queer sort of feeling when I saw his letter. It is the silliest of things to let myself go like this when most probably I mean nothing at all to him. Why should I we hardly knew each other,…


July 4th

This afternoon I had to go in town early on business (Suppan) and passing one of those driving institutes I had a brain wave and went in to enquire. Result an immediate lesson. I got a quite well I think. Really it is a shame not to be able to drive when owning licence. I did feel ashamed at times,…

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