
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

March 27th

2021. március 27. - pajkrh

Went to confession again, though didn’t feel much like it. When do I, though? Spoke with the Farkasvölgyis on the phone, they arranged to go with Ervin in the country. Martha + kids here. Gyula looks a bit off colour. The kids quite nice and not such handful like they used to be. Somehow it is…


March 9th

Vali’s exam. concert tonight. Quite interesting. She was sweet, but Vin’s friend was art itself. She is a bit tall though. But her voice is clear, strong, beautifully modulated and cultured. She sang a difficult pastor (?). She had a great success. – Vali was most unfortunate, there was nearly a…



Irene called. Nothing of L. so far. I’ll keep strong. – Martha dropped in, we had a good laugh. – Before going out suddenly couldn’t resist the temptation of ringing L<eo?> up + asking if he was the one who tried to find me. He wasn’t. But our little talk quite put me out again. Serves me…



Someone rang me up while out. I suppose it was L. I’ll be strong + not try to get him on the line. – Spoke with Vali, just going out for a walk with her brother. Half promised to meet them at the Spolarich at night. But didn’t eventually. Was in the Bank, bought few things. – At the gym. class there…

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