
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

September 3rd

2021. szeptember 03. - pajkrh

This afternoon I talked with Leon on the ‘phone. I rang him up. It really is difficult to understand the man. According to my opinion he doesn’t make me of every opportunity if getting in contact with me but if it happens, he behaves as if he did. May be men are different. He told me he was leaving…


July 17th

Father not too well. Mother nervous. Ervin away with Capt. Takács at the Balaton. We went to see the picture I talked of with Martha. It was interesting in a way, but otherwise a week art. All the actresses were ugly and fat. The scientific part of it was alright but not enough. I came to the…


July 16th

Father came home this morning. The Dr doesn’t say much. He is to go in about twice a week, if anything goes wrong Dr. Hempel is to be called. Father seems to be rather weak and the operation didn’t help in the way we thought. I think our old Dr will be dropped. If only Vin. would be at home he at…


July 15th

Early in the morning Leon rang me up. It seem we have a different outlook as he apparently was most pleased about yesterday. He is to go abroad on business any day now. Yesterday’s was a farewell visit, though he may not know it. I had a long talk with Dr Szücs the gentleman next room to my Father’s…


June 20th

Mother still unwell, or rather worse. – Vin. ‘phoned me at noon, we had an interminable talk. It seems he was looking for me everywhere in the Opera House, except just in front of his nose. Characteristic. We won’t have much of a chance to meet nowadays, and it is better too, I think for he has a…


June 10th

Was in town in private matters mostly this morning. Changed my funny yellow hat to a modest, matter of fact solid blue straw hat of which most people will surely approve. ‘Phoned Vin. at noon he told me he had a Scout’s meeting this evening so wasn’t free, would meet me before that however. So I…


May 23rd

I was most shocked. In spite of my hearty reassurances that I won’t go to Martha’s this afternoon Mother promised her that I would, when she phoned. The kids were rather bad and though M. returned early I came home late again. I nearly had a quarrel with Martha over different questions. If things go…


April 21st

This was a mad rushed morning again. The beloved ladies here, then one of the Nurses from the Grey Sisters. ‘Phone calls etc. I’ve been waiting for the car to be ready as they were going out, so was late at the swimming bath. We had an appointment there with Vin. on Tuesday. He was even later,…

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