This was a mad rushed morning again. The beloved ladies here, then one of the Nurses from the Grey Sisters. ‘Phone calls etc. I’ve been waiting for the car to be ready as they were going out, so was late at the swimming bath. We had an appointment there with Vin. on Tuesday. He was even later, however on account of some banking business. I was nervous and a bit upset and strained so wasn’t the gay company should have been. Besides his teasing upsets me too I felt hurt though I realized I’ve been saying much the same things often to him to tease him poor dear. I wonder if he takes it in the same way. We had a lovely time otherwise but it was short. Had to go out in the afternoon again felt actually strained. Later it passed however. Would have been too late for that Red Cross’s lecture, so managed one-more business affair. We had a long walk to the place with Cica and a good talk. It was cold.