
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

April 20th

2021. április 20. - pajkrh

The two ladies, we adore, appeared again, but now we are more prepared and according to their system we let them speak but repeat only our opinion + conditions. So they find us hard to deal with at last. Phoned to Leon as he didn’t ring me up which means either he is ill or in trouble or waited for…


April 5th

As the matter was of no importance to me I didn’t hurry the least to ‘phone to Leo with the result that he ‘phoned and asked for me. We arranged to meet at noon. I didn’t like it on the afterthought. Had a lot to attend to before so left trying on my new two piece for later and was punctual at the…


March 1st

This afternoon Vin. ’phoned at a most unexpected time to inquire why didn’t I go to see Ami, whom he went to see. She said I always kept my word. Too bad of Martha to have made all this fuss about my not going to see her. Poor Vin went to the Clinic on account of my visit only in spite of a sore…



What a dreadful day. I felt out of sorts the whole day, sort of a presentiment I suppose. Even yesterday’s aviation lecture didn’t keep me cheered up. By the way we received the photo taken of us. Leo rang me up in the morning, I wanted to talk to him from the office. I don’t think we were…



Rang up Leo this morning as I promised I would. We spoke on Friday afternoon, he started that little misunderstanding of last week all over again. We made a point of spending Sunday afternoon together if he’d be at home. As it was he was waiting for a ‘phone call to ask him to Vienna: Well I phoned…



I had an awful morning after an equally awful night. I simply can’t understand how can I be such friends with the one while I’m worried to death about the other. Every ring of the ‘phone wrentched my nerves, I always expected Leo to ‘phone and tell me off. At noon however I received a letter from…



Had a short note from Leo saying he is mortally hurt. I was prepared for something of the sort. Rang him up later, but he was as rude as ever, spoke in very much the same way he did at Xmas time when he wasn’t in the right either. He was more than rude using all the slighting remarks he has a good…

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