
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 15th

2021. július 15. - pajkrh

Early in the morning Leon rang me up. It seem we have a different outlook as he apparently was most pleased about yesterday. He is to go abroad on business any day now. Yesterday’s was a farewell visit, though he may not know it. I had a long talk with Dr Szücs the gentleman next room to my Father’s in the Hospital. If it is true he had the same operation as Father though Mother says it is not possible, if so however, it is the preliminary to another one which should be done as soon as they advise it. His son was in too he was slightly embarrassed at first, after all this isn’t exactly a topic of conversation between two young people of different sex, later however he explained everything with the greatest favour. I was most amused. Never would have thought it possible to discuss such questions with a strange young man. I like him though he must be an awfully good son and I find him sympathetic.

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