
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939


2021. január 28. - pajkrh

We went shopping with Martha, bought myself a new hat, but somehow the colour doesn’t suit me. – This morning I was quite upset as I had an appointment with Leo on the phone and he didn’t ring me up in time. I just put a cross beside his name in my calendar in various places to signify that now he…



Gizi phoned just now, there is a ticket for me at the National Theatre for Godiva. I’m awfully glad, I wanted to see it this week. – This morning I had a busy time with the phone. – The performance was really good, the costumes also. The play slightly different from the English version. All the…



Irene called. Nothing of L. so far. I’ll keep strong. – Martha dropped in, we had a good laugh. – Before going out suddenly couldn’t resist the temptation of ringing L<eo?> up + asking if he was the one who tried to find me. He wasn’t. But our little talk quite put me out again. Serves me…

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