We went shopping with Martha, bought myself a new hat, but somehow the colour doesn’t suit me. – This morning I was quite upset as I had an appointment with Leo on the phone and he didn’t ring me up in time. I just put a cross beside his name in my calendar in various places to signify that now he…
What a day. I had three rows with two Jews, perfectly horrid ones too, but made it up with Leo with whom I spoke through the ‘phone before going out. According to it he is to ring me up on Friday at eight, what an unearthly hour. If he fails me this time he’ll stop existing for me in future. This…
Gizi phoned just now, there is a ticket for me at the National Theatre for Godiva. I’m awfully glad, I wanted to see it this week. – This morning I had a busy time with the phone. – The performance was really good, the costumes also. The play slightly different from the English version. All the…
Irene called. Nothing of L. so far. I’ll keep strong. – Martha dropped in, we had a good laugh. – Before going out suddenly couldn’t resist the temptation of ringing L<eo?> up + asking if he was the one who tried to find me. He wasn’t. But our little talk quite put me out again. Serves me…
Vali called unexpectedly. She has a rather charming brother. Looks a good sport + very fit in spite of having one arm only. War. – Spoke with Marietta, she, full of trouble. Wrote those two men, the Dr + our rhapsodic cavalier, that was.
Lovely day. Good start for the year. Been in the cemetery + cinema later. Someone pulled out the phone plug, noone could ring us up to wish a happy N. Y. Spoke with Miki about tickets for the Opera. Captain T. +sons called.