
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939


2021. február 03. - pajkrh

Had a short note from Leo saying he is mortally hurt. I was prepared for something of the sort. Rang him up later, but he was as rude as ever, spoke in very much the same way he did at Xmas time when he wasn’t in the right either. He was more than rude using all the slighting remarks he has a good stock of didn’t let me say a word, not that I wanted to after such an introduction, told me to wait a moment, left me to wait, put down the receiver himself.

After a time I rang him up again and as his line didn’t answer rang up the other number on which a female voice informed me (after telling him I believe) that he would ring me up later on. Of course this was just an excuse if it can be called that. Never again will he have the chance of doing this. I won’t put myself out for such an insult, neither to his insulting words. This is the limit such a trifle, the so called love won’t prevent me from keeping my selfesteem. If he has such a low opinion of me as to be able to behave in such a way I’ll teach him get to think of me otherwise.

I have an awful feeling though that it is in his nature to behave so, this is why he is disliked by many, and it is not my person that draws out this coarse side of him. I had the illusion that our being in love and this sensual part of it not having an outlet makes both of us oversensitive and irritable with each other. For I too said + did things which can’t be explained otherwise. But now I see it isn’t so. He is so much older, well not really so very much, that (?) he might be wiser. And if he isn’t it is in his nature. In this case it can’t be altered,people don’t change much in his age, and it is better to keep away from such a person. I feel deeply sorry, he will be very lonely and alone yet! This pity, however won’t keep me from teaching him a much needed lesson. Today I wrote him a letter telling him present custom of fifty-fifty arrangements when going out. I admit he might have been a bit in the right in our case, but the thing has grown out of that question, it is his brutal manner I won’t stand. If he isn’t even of it, it is only the worse. I don’t think I’ll ever see him again.

I went to a lecture given by Margareth’s husband on an economical topic. It was very good and the place Ker. és Ipar Kamara really imposing. There weren’t many but the so called élite. I saw Dr. Walder (???) too and Berkes the director of his paper out behind me. Our old professor, Dr. Nagy (?) was sitting by the president. Margareth was awfully nervous. – Saw Dr. Kemak (???) beforehand, we had a slight argument over a most private question. It can’t be even called an argument it was a statement rather.

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