
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 11th

2022. május 11. - pajkrh

On Monday my new short coat was delivered but turned out to be a bit tight at the neck so I returned it two days later. Was at the Dr’s in the afternoon later as usual. We had a little chat and he didn’t dare to give an injection prescribed a medicine instead. Ha offered to show me his car and to take me to one of his visits when a someone came so he asked me to slip back to the visiting room which I did. The new visit turned out to be his brother in law. So the three of us went together. What a queer discontented creature his bro. in law is. I was so surprised to hear his cynical talk that I forgot to tell my opinion on a few, to me, sacred questions. Laki (?) came however by that still I’m ashamed of myself. Went to the Egyetemi the University Church to give a last farewell to our departed bishop to whom I owe a great deal too, Dr Tihamer Toth. Later I went to see Cica. Met Marcsi too couldn’t evade going in as her husband was at the entrance. On Tuesday I went to the Hauers, dear Michael seems to be better. Didn’t stay long. By the way asked Dr Laki (?) the previous day about this pneumatic heartweakness business and he said the same as their Dr so it seems it is all true. – Gymn quite alright yesterday there was only the four of us. My back is much better, though not completely well yet. Am going to the Kamara theatre to day (Utolsó tánc). I’m looking forward to it. – It is exactly a week ago I finished or rather completed my conf. It is a wonderful feeling to know that everything is forgiven and washed out etc. Not completely made up for though but it is not the most important. I feel as light as a feather but I hope not the slightest breeze will move me. Daren’t think what would have become of me if I would have died before this all might have had a surprise. Still as I wasn’t exactly aware of the wrong points in spite of having sort of a feeling at times and as I read had good resolutions all along perhaps it wouldn’t have been so bad. Now I understand though what the old Priest who taught us at school meant by saying that “the way to hell is paved by good resolutions”. He must have meant those not lived up to. And it is all true. I’m the happiest person on earth now that I’m over this life conf. affair. It was the best that can have happened to me. – The piece in the Kamara Theatre was quite good. Very amusing and well performed. There was perhaps too much of mimic which made the whole somewhat film-like.

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