
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

July 14th

2021. július 14. - pajkrh

Father to come home in two days only. It seems they think another operation is necessary. I. e. they started the sort which is done in two phases. I hate these people. One of the Drs (Hempel) remembered me on account of my appendicitis years ago. He even remembered the room I was in. I couldn’t remember him though. Good to have a friend however. No sign of life of Vin. Of course it is his holiday and he should be left in peace. Perhaps he didn’t even get my letter. When in trouble one is so alone. – I went to see Nora too and afterwards went to Leon’s office under the pretext of setting a minute account of ours. Naturally it was as flimsy a reason as possible. He was nice and I hated myself. I believe it is sheer madness and it must be stopped.

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