Had all sorts of misgivings as to the validity of las conf. but think it is just over scrupulousness, will mention all however next time which must be soon. Am terrible shocked to find more and more in my past which should have been told. Awful how one forgets the nastiest little and great sins, not…
The weather is really quite cold, I nearly froze when coming home from church. All these troubles of the Hauer family seem to get on my nerves. I was most awfully depressed all the morning as a matter of fact if I want to be quite open I really shed some true tears on account of the poor boy. Nearly…
Spoke with Marietta on the ‘phone first, then went to see her after gymn. Or rather it should have been after gym. but somehow I lost sense of time and it was too late by the time went to change. So instead of gymn. went to have my hands manicured + to the chiropodist. Then to Marietta. Marietta was…
A busy day. I had to go the District Committee on account of our machines. Had to wait for ages for one of the engineers. When arriving home Bözsi, whom I made friends with at the cooking course, ‘phoned me with the astonishing news that they were separating with her husband. As she seemed to be the…