Had all sorts of misgivings as to the validity of las conf. but think it is just over scrupulousness, will mention all however next time which must be soon. Am terrible shocked to find more and more in my past which should have been told. Awful how one forgets the nastiest little and great sins, not to speak of circumstances. I’m really terrified at myself am beginning to understand what I read the other day of someone saying. I know the ? of a honest man only but it is terrible. Pride and good opinion high value etc. have sunken to the lowest. Hope all this experience will be remembered at the right time. Am starting and startled to see real value of things. – Gymn quite nice to day. Last Saturday one, Marcsi is to be away so will be the only good worker. Went to look in at the Hauers, took a little “patience” toy to poor Michael who seems to need patience. Spoke with the elder bro. too but only a little. Heared that the Father was to come on Monday only. Mentioned my misgivings to Marietta. To day morning I phoned to Dr M? on account of my back which isn’t better. I don’t feel it except when trying to do backward bendings but as I or me … (empty space) in gymn too I’m forgetting the fact it exists which again might lead to something worse. So I’m to see him next week and we’ll talk this short cure (?) procedure over. I’m afraid the man take me for a skinflint but I suppose it is much better than thinking I don’t care about throwing out money.