Now I see the dear person can phone me when it is a question of business. Our offer to one of the firms was shown to him which I find incorrect of them. It was much lower than the price they usually had, so it was rather disagreeable for him. Serves him right. – Peace has broken out. No war for the…
The fireplace in the hall was remade today. What a mess it meant. I cooked the dinner and it was excellent except for the soup which was too salty but otherwise hadn’t much of a taste. Erzsi however, dared not say anything against it, I was so amused. Heaps of letters come daily, letters of sympathy…
After a rush again in the morning and a little argument with Martha on the ‘phone (they weren’t ready when Ervin went to fetch them) we went to the cemetery. No one was there. There was a lovely big (empty space) sent by the Árvá’s, really kind of them. Nora’s body was already changing colour. There…
This was a rushed day. First we went to the cemetery, then to ask for a cert. from Dr. K., he had a swollen check and I hated the sight of him then to arrange the burial. We spent our whole morning so with Ervin. I hardly had time to look after my things had to buy quite a lot of black things. At 2…
August 1st
This morning I rang up Leon partly on business, but somehow the line wasn’t in order he couldn’t hear my voice properly and I didn’t want to shout so I rang off. At about 11.30 Dr. Kerekes phoned that Nora’s condition was so on the decline that is was necessary that we come to see her or…
Time I wrote last we went to the Hospital with Father three times weekly. Every other day he is better. They took of the bandages yesterday but this morning he had to go to the Dr for he was not well. It seems he isn’t quite fit yet after all as we hoped. He even thought he might go to Karlsbad but…
Meant to ring up Leon but didn’t. On the afterthought, it was him who promised to ring me up. Most shocking. The horrid fellow continues to forget his promises to me. I suppose I ought to feel awfully hurt etc. I don’t care the least on the other hand. Complete indifference. Meant to phone Vin too,…