
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

August 10th

2021. augusztus 10. - pajkrh

The fireplace in the hall was remade today. What a mess it meant. I cooked the dinner and it was excellent except for the soup which was too salty but otherwise hadn’t much of a taste. Erzsi however, dared not say anything against it, I was so amused. Heaps of letters come daily, letters of sympathy on Nora’s account. I’m glad Mother isn’t here, we had visitors too, the Colonel’s wife from next door today. What an ordeal it would mean to her to have to relate everything afresh. By the time they return I hope things will be more settled and they’ll be strong and well again. This Mangl (?) should work wonders. (?) – I was alone this afternoon + sad, so I had a big meal with beer. Preposterous. It was a realism of my disappointment too, for I rang up Leon only to hear he is away. I was afraid my card might have fallen into the hand of someone else. Now really have I compromised myself. The man who answered the phone, most probably the driver asked for my name, I told him but he couldn’t catch it so I said it was of no importance, he said at that, that is was indeed as Mr I. told him to put down all names or addresses or ‘phone numbers of those who ‘phoned. I, obediently told my address. Really the influence of Leon, to obey even when away. I suppose it is to make up for disobeying when present. Anyway now at least he’ll have a proof of how I don’t wish to keep things dark and if I do anything anymore may know about it. – Martha ‘phoned today that Gyula is ill, they are short of money again also. too bad.-

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