
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

August 2nd

2021. augusztus 02. - pajkrh

This was a rushed day. First we went to the cemetery, then to ask for a cert. from Dr. K., he had a swollen check and I hated the sight of him then to arrange the burial. We spent our whole morning so with Ervin. I hardly had time to look after my things had to buy quite a lot of black things. At 2 p.m. Nora was taken away, when she was layed in the coffin there was a sense of smile on her face, it was rather lovely. Of course we were all very much moved and sad. Father took things specially to heart which made Mother become very strong. Poor old things. – It was arranged that little Emmy’s grave should be opened and what is left of her exhumated and put together with Nora. It couldn’t have been arranged without the really kind and efficient help of Mr. Árva. He was extremely good to us in those hours, looking for a good grave, doing everything about the exhumation looking after the flowers etc. he was indeed a friend.

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