
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

April 24th

2021. április 24. - pajkrh

Just an ordinary Sunday. Meant to play tennis but never can manage in the morning and in the afternoon it was a bit late by the time I returned from the cemetery. As a matter of fact I felt awfully lazy and it is so difficult to start things. I wish the Club wouldn’t have moved to that other place. Can’t run about the streets in socks and stockingless in this weather. Besides it was easy enough to come home from across the road if there weren’t any people but after walking about 10 minutes to the new place I couldn’t risk it. I don’t think they are on the line either. I’m wondering of it is worth the fee to play this year. I won’t have much time. Nearly until the end of June I’ll have lectures, at least till about the middle of the month, in August Mother + Father’ll be away, I hope, in Sept. it gets dark early an I mean to go somewhere too. So the large fee, the subscription would be a bit like throwing out money. Yet I would like to play sometimes. It really is too bad. Will have to find a way out. Until I have my gymn lessons it is not so bad, but if they’ll be stopped I’ll have to look out for a bit of exercise. Don’t want to put on weight.

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