
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

September 2nd

2021. szeptember 02. - pajkrh

Today I went to confess and I didn’t like it a bit, but felt louds lighter afterwards. I really and truly resolved to keep my good resolutions this time definitely. I didn’t ring up Leon all day and thought out a marvellous cure, too. If only it should work. – Cooking started again, it was quite…


June 10th

Was in town in private matters mostly this morning. Changed my funny yellow hat to a modest, matter of fact solid blue straw hat of which most people will surely approve. ‘Phoned Vin. at noon he told me he had a Scout’s meeting this evening so wasn’t free, would meet me before that however. So I…


June 3rd

A hard day. Hot, busy, tiresome. I felt downhearted all day. All sorts of troubles. Nearly stayed home instead of going to the cooking class. But went eventually. Was 20 minutes late. Bözsi was dressing exactly at the same time. We had a good laugh over it. Both of us being late, listless + tired. I…


May 28th

There was a meeting at the Redoute at 11 a.m at which Sándor was to make a speech too. I went was a bit late of course but so at least Anci had a good chance to see me coming in. Sándor spoke very well indeed. Both the contents of his speech + his way of speaking intonation etc. were excellent. I…


May 27th

Had to do in town, was at Cica’s too and heard that they were to be off for Kenderes the very day. She was out I couldn’t wait for her return so just left a message. As my cough was worse than ever decided to have my lungs examined if possible and being near the place went to see Vin. He nearly had…



A mad day again. At noon I decided to ring Vin. up and inquire when am I to pay a visit in case he is put under arrest. The political association he wanted to join, Szálasi’s little party has been … …. and put under the supervision of the police. If Vin. didn’t mean it as a joke it was a silly idea…

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