
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 27th

2021. május 27. - pajkrh

Had to do in town, was at Cica’s too and heard that they were to be off for Kenderes the very day. She was out I couldn’t wait for her return so just left a message. As my cough was worse than ever decided to have my lungs examined if possible and being near the place went to see Vin. He nearly had a fit. I too. There were fourteen persons waiting for him. He just smiled at my suspicions which quite naturally made me resent his attitude so after a short chat I left him. At least I had the information I wished to obtain, that: 1) he was going to the Midnight Adoration; was 2) going to conf; was going to the Legate’s Mass on Sunday which meant he was not coming to the Aerodrome with me, for most unsuitably those people who managed the course on Aviation put that finishing visit to the Aerodrome + free flight on the 29th, which made me hesitate in taking part in it. Well, to be exact & to get back to the point Vin. 3) wasn’t coming and wasn’t coming to the concert in the Conservatory either on 1st June. Latter rather offended me as I told him about it ages ago so he knew it very well when making appointments. I’m coming to the conclusion that he isn’t very keen on my company in such innocent affairs. Do I know anything about others either. Anyway, of one thing I’m sure a long time must pass before I ask him to anything again. And by then many things might happen. I might even die. Or go on a journey and forget all about our friendship, that was. –

As about Cica’s invitation to Kenderes which includes him perhaps I can manage to put it off altogether. It would be specially easy if I could go abroad soon for a time. Or else someone else must be taken or I might join one of his, Ervin’s parties and be dropped there. I don’t think any of these will come off, though I would like to see something of the country. –

Went to Anci’s afterwards to return the white membership card they were awfully nice and asked me to keep it. – Cooking quite alright. We cooked asparagus too. The young woman, the daughter turned out to be a med. student in her fifth year How I do envy people with a definite career. Can I speak of mine as such I wonder. – Went to the Adoration at 9 p.m. afterwards. It was nothing very special. There was a long sermon at the beginning. I met crowds + crowds of men going to the Midnight Admiration for men. My brother + some of friends went too.

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