
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939


2021. február 24. - pajkrh

A mad day again. At noon I decided to ring Vin. up and inquire when am I to pay a visit in case he is put under arrest. The political association he wanted to join, Szálasi’s little party has been … …. and put under the supervision of the police. If Vin. didn’t mean it as a joke it was a silly idea of his. He said he already filled out the entrance form but the people were too late to fetch it. I’m still not sure if he isn’t just pulling my leg. Anyway I told him I can’t think of deserting my friends when they’re in a fix, so he can rely on my solicitous visits if he means to get in closer contact with the well known Marko. We made an appointment for next wednesday as on Sunday he had an Opera performance. – I meant to get tickets to the Kamara for Sunday afternoon and was silly enough to ring up my friend of the unnatural disposition. He was rather brusque in his manner and refused under the pretext of his brother’s parting for Germany on the same day, the exact time of it not being fixed, etc. It was all rather mixed, both of us talking of something else. I got tired of it in the second minute and told him if he wanted anything he should ring me up of which he heartily approved. I’m glad it happened in this way, he couldn’t have been of greater service to me. Now at least I got rid of every feeling for him, if ever any, and can start afresh in the same, towards his person, entirely indifferent disposition I managed to acquire for years. Just an interlude. To show the weakness of feminine nature. – Went to see Martha at her cooking class before the aviation lectures. The party isn’t off, but it developed into a family gathering. – Av. interesting like usually. The strange young woman who was sitting by me some lessons ago was late, I had a good look at her. Not to her credit. She looks washed out artificial and somehow common. Not a very nice and kin opinion of a fellow creature. Bu I certainly wouldn’t like to look like her. – Dr. A. Hille, lecturer on meteorology, was giving a lecture. He is an awfully nice person with a rather ugly face but sympathetic. He is a good lecturer, speaks in the most interesting way, has sort of a fascinating intonation a funny way of lifting the intonation where one should expect it to be lowered, which gives an individual touch to his talking. I like to hear him and am getting quite fond of that funny face of his. – He seems to like darkness however, on his present lecture light was off most of the time under pretext of cin. illustrations, making notes was difficult.

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