This has been a most exciting day. I went to church early in the morning, got up about 5.40. Went to confession too. By the way had a driving exercise yesterday and promised to come to day again, but ‘phoned it off, but what I actually want to come to is, that I was at the Jesuitst and asked for Father Omer/Umer but he had Congregation. This morning again the Father I sometimes go to was away, so it was bad luck all along. Except for the evening sermon I attended yesterday on account of looking for Father Omer/Umer. – Well to come to the point my brother told me in the afternoon to buy out that nice little new car of our brother-in-law, and I thought one must simply jump at such a chance. So at first he came with me, to see if I can be relied on. Seems he was satisfied because he let me go alone. I got on quite well, I think. Later it became a problem if I should have my lesson or take the car on my own, Ervin didn’t want to go with it, it seems he found it too slow. So at last I phoned the driving exercise off and went off. Again it was quite alright, I didn’t exactly want to go to the Hauers but somehow I did and Feri (?) was just outside, so I showed him the car and went off in high glee. The thing wouldn’t start probably and I had doubts and then the unexpected happened it stopped altogether at a clear crossing by the National Theatre. I was non plussed and in a way amused. Of course people stopped to enjoy the sight. At last I gave it up and got out of the car looked around for help. It seemed I appealed to the chivalry of the men around, for they most kindly offered to push the car round the corner, the policeman was awfully nice too, didn’t say anything, as a matter of fact advised us to get round the corner. Naturally I went back in great speed to the Hauers and to their amused sympathy asked for petrol. Everyone was really most kind. They, the policeman, the people. None said a slighting word or a malicious remark. Nothing was wrong after that and I went about again, with headlights too. I enjoyed this day.