
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 26th

2022. június 26. - pajkrh

Nothing special happened last weekend, my dresses are finished at Ms Árva’s and I brought them home on Friday. Mother finished her visit to Prof. Burger, it seems they are not of any success an operation is advised. The man seemed to very nice and kind. I don’t know what will have to be done. – Went to conf. on Saturday, Father Omer (?) was most glad to see me, but I’m getting slightly tired of his way of looking at things. Can’t say though that the conf. wasn’t good. And the advantage is that he knows everything about me as he listened to my life conf. exactly two months ago. I’ll have to try another linc. with him. – Yesterday Martha + family were here. The kids were alright. In the afternoon we went over to the next house which was highly appreciated by them. – I’ve had misgivings on Saturday too on account of having sent off that letter to dr.  Laki (?). As I see a bit late tough, it is only a fortnight since he is away, too short of time for it. Undue enthusiasm on my part. I don’t want to seem to be running after the man, he is used to it too. How I hate the thought of it. Well I decided to forget all about it, and by the time an answer comes perhaps I’ll be off or will have definite plans for it. I’ll have to be more resolved in future. Impatience must cease.

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