
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939


2021. február 14. - pajkrh

Didn’t get a card from L. so I don’t know if he went on that journey or I was late in ‘phoning him or L’ll write to day. Went to Martha’s party in the evening. I was most amused. When I arrived all the ladies exactly six of them, were sitting neatly one by the other like swallows on the telegraph…



Rang up Leo this morning as I promised I would. We spoke on Friday afternoon, he started that little misunderstanding of last week all over again. We made a point of spending Sunday afternoon together if he’d be at home. As it was he was waiting for a ‘phone call to ask him to Vienna: Well I phoned…



Went to see Vincent at noon. What a failure again. We could hardly talk when he was asked out to a patient who happened to be a girl with a man. Vin. asked me to wait. My patience lasted exactly fifteen minutes. Then I got near explosion + told him I’d go. Couldn’t tell him half of what I meant to…



Today I meant to see Vincent in his Clinic but somehow didn’t feel like going there after general hours. Might seem too obvious. I’ll go tomorrow morning, however, and register for those lectures on aviation at the same time if they won’t laugh me in the Népműv. Office. I think I’ll take it up after…



Still awfully happy about that letter of yesterday, but am having misgivings again. He writes he is occupied until 10 every night but didn’t try to make an appointment for Sunday either. If he would be interested he would try to see me more often, speak with me more frequently and altogether would…

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