
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

June 8th

2021. június 08. - pajkrh

A busy day again. Was at Marietta’s in the evening. It was good fun, we had a long talk. She says her brothers wish to get married. Now what a chance it would have been have been if I wouldn’t have met Vin. Now, however, quite sure of my feelings, I could afford the impertinence of telling her that any of her friends would fill with pleasure the coveted position of being sister in law to her. At which she wasn’t the least offended, well I didn’t mean her to be but said she knew that very well, that is why she kept away from so called friends. I don’t think she is right. In her place I would have found it good fun to stand aside and watch, but mix/wix (?) at the same time. Thus she would have required more practice and experience in judging people too.

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