
Napló 1938/1939

Napló 1938/1939

May 16th

2021. május 16. - pajkrh

It is getting hot. My knee is hurting dreadfully and I think it is swollen. I’m afraid of “tetanus” not the nicest sort of death, if death is ever nice, and not the sweetest sort of feeling. I’m glad I went to conf. yesterday and made my about Vin. too before all this happened. It would be cowardly to go seeking (?) for pardon so late. Strange to think I might never see those places again. I daren’t think of my people. They have enough without things going wrong with me. I don’t think they would get over it. Must stop to think of this. If it happens it can’t be helped if not why think about it. Perhaps I ought to show the leg + knee or rather the bruises to Vin. but I simply can’t face it to have him to tell me. Anyway if it is what I thought of, it is too late as it is, if not + mustn’t make such a fuss about a little thing like this. So head up, one must always face problems alone. Only how tragic to leave just when at last I found someone I can love. Well I always liked adventures and it would be or it is the greatest adventure to explore the next world. ---

Have been at Martha’s place in the afternoon. It looks quite alright. The kids are running wild though and as dirty as possible. I think I like managing a shop.

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