We are in a most awful mess. Some of the walls are being distempered and one cleaned. Never thought it meant all this. Can’t move from dirt. Of course couldn’t keep appointment on Tuesday. ‘Phoned it off, arranged for Wednesday, but couldn’t keep it either. Didn’t ‘phone however. This time I’ll only ‘phone when I’ll be actually going. We had a letter from the Parents today saying Father’s heart wasn’t in order, his special baths had to be stopped. They even hinted at returning on Sunday, which would be a bit of bad luck as we aren’t half ready yet and there is quite a lot to be done next week. I hope things aren’t as bad as they sound, but he is getting injections, I mean Father. Though how on earth can they understand each other so well is a mystery to me, as in their first letter they told me, the Prof. they go to can’t speak German. Unless they go to another Dr. now. – We arranged to got to see Dr Laki on Sunday and Margareth in the afternoon. I wrote him to day to tell so. A bit late I suppose, but he wrote the other day that he’d be at home on that date. I have some misgivings as to the wiseness of that step. But somehow I had them all along. Now I don’t know if this is just my beautiful reserved nature, the so called true feeling for him, or if I may put it so, premonition. Keep off premises. I’m asking for the leading hand of Providence and like usually I’m sure of help. But it becomes apparent only on retrospect and to be in the flow of events is rather an uncomfortable if not painful.